How to Spot and Prevent Cyberbullying Against Autistic Students
In the digital age, there are many opportunities for online bullying to occur, especially for autistic children
Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that happens repeatedly and intentionally through online platforms (Carrington et al., 2017). While bullying is quite common in schools, cyberbullying is a unique threat and has only increased as our world has become more technologically advanced.
Autistic Children Are More Likely to Experience Bullying
Any child can be impacted by bullying. A recent study indicated that bullying for all children is widespread:
- Among students ages 12-18 who reported being bullied at school during the school year, 15 % were bullied online or by text.
- An estimated 14.9% of high school students were electronically bullied in the 12 months before the survey.
However, bullying does disproportionately impact children with disabilities compared to their non-disabled peers: autistic or special needs children are two to three times more likely to be bullied than children without disabilities. For autistic students, evidence suggests that bullying is far more prevalent as compared to their typically developing peers (Carrington et al., 2017). Autistic children communicate differently and sometimes find it difficult to initiate and maintain social relationships and understand emotions and social cues, thus making them vulnerable to bullies (National Autism Association: Bullying, n.d.).
Technology use in classrooms will continue to increase and as a result, more attention needs to be paid to preventing online bullying. One of the first steps to prevent online bullying is for parents, teachers, administrators, and even students to learn the signs of cyberbullying and work to stop it from occurring. Check out the tips below to find out how you, as a parent, teacher, or administrator, can figure out if your child or student is being bullied online, and what you can do to stop it.
Spotting the Signs of Online Bullying
It can sometimes be difficult to know how your child is doing relationally in school, and many children, especially autistic children, are unlikely to tell you if they are being bullied. However, some specific signs may indicate that your autistic child is being cyberbullied. If your child is being cyberbullied, you may notice the following:
1. Your child becomes upset, sad, angry, or depressed after using their smartphone or other device
Take note of your child’s emotions after they finish their online schoolwork or after using a technological device in their free time. Any distress may be a clear sign that your child may have been cyberbullied.
2. Your child loses interest in their iPad, phone, computer, or schoolwork

Many children in today’s age, especially autistic children, find their iPads, computers, and phones very engaging. Thus, if your child suddenly loses interest, this may be a sign that your child is afraid of their technological device, which could be due to cyberbullying.
3. Your child may seem anxious or display low self-esteem
Cyberbullying can lead to increased levels of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. So, if you see any changes in your child’s behaviors or if they say comments that sound like negative self-talk, consider that as a possible sign that your child is being cyberbullied.
4. Your child may seem abnormally withdrawn
Signs of withdrawal may be the result of feelings of anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem. You may notice that your autistic child does not want to play with a friend, or that they do not want to be around anyone.
5. Your child is secretive about what they do on the computer (i.e. switching screens if you walk past or shutting off the monitor suddenly)
This is a huge sign that something is happening on their computer or technological device that is not supposed to be occurring. If you notice that your child is secretive about what they do on the computer, immediately intervene, and try to get to the root of what is happening.
How to Stop Cyber Bullying
Cyberbullying and online harassment can lead to increased levels of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and other mental health issues. If you know that your autistic child or student is being bullied online, there are many things you want to keep in mind as you attempt to stop the bullying from occurring.
Stay calm while asking questions
Your anger and frustration are valid, but will not be helpful to your autistic child or student. It may only elevate their feelings of frustration or make them feel confused. When you are asking your child questions about the cyberbullying incident, be sure to ask them no more than two or three questions at a time to avoid overwhelming or confusing feelings.
Utilize role-playing
Role-playing can help your autistic child understand what happened to them, and how to respond if it happens again. For autistic children, role-playing can be especially helpful in learning and discerning various emotions and how to respond appropriately.
Learn how to monitor your child’s online activities
For young kids especially, it is always good practice to exert more control over your child’s activities on their technological devices and the Internet. This will allow you to monitor their interactions and support them in using their technological tools successfully and in a healthy way.
Depending on your child’s age and abilities, it may be appropriate to do the following:
- Review and help your child reset their phone location and privacy settings.
- Monitor your child’s use of social media and gaming sites and become familiar with the latest trends in social media.
- Ask a family friend to follow or friend your teen on social media sites or do so yourself if your child is willing to cooperate.
- Establish family rules about appropriate digital behavior, content, and app use.
Connect with your school’s counselors or psychologists
Social workers typically receive extensive training on how to support students when they are being bullied, and they can be great resources as you seek to address cyberbullying and prevent it from occurring. School social workers can also be invaluable in creating a network of teachers, administrators, and parents to help your autistic child feel connected and valued.
While these signs for noticing cyberbullying and tips for stopping it are important, it is also important to acknowledge that cyberbullying can be prevented if schools or other virtual learning environments create positive cultures that reflect tolerance and respect. In these settings, adults are proactive about ensuring that their school and classroom environments, whether physical or virtual, are inclusive and welcoming, and that they are not places for bullying of any kind.
For more information about bullying and autism see our articles:
How to Recognize, Prevent, and Stop Bullying of Autistic Children
Parents Guide to Bullying for Children with Autism
National Autism Association: Bullying.
Suzanne Carrington, Marilyn Campbell, Beth Saggers, Jill Ashburner, Fiona Vicig, Julie Dillon Wallace & Yoon-Suk Hwang (2017) Recommendations of school students with autism spectrum disorder and their parents in regard to bullying and cyberbullying prevention and intervention, International Journal of Inclusive Education.

Madeline Burroughs
Madeline Burroughs is a Specially Designed Instructional Coach at two high schools in Fulton County Schools in Atlanta, GA. In this role, she works to coach special education teachers in providing systematic, specially designed instruction that effectively targets students’ strengths and needs. Madeline received her Master’s degree in Education Policy and Management from Harvard Graduate School of Education in May 2019, and hopes to continue to serve as an advocate for all students with disabilities throughout her career.