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Heidi Ellis

Heidi Ellis

Heidi Ellis is a graduate of the University of Toledo with a BA in foreign languages (Spanish). Using ABA training, she instructed young children with autism at S.A.I.L (School for Autistically Impaired Learners) in Toledo, OH (now closed). She also taught E.S.O.L. (English for Speakers of Other Languages) to adults at a career center in Rossford, OH. Her own son, Jim, now twenty-two, was diagnosed with the condition at a young age. Heidi is now a freelance writer, which includes a number of Stages Learning articles. She also blogs on Facebook at her page titled, “Autism Hopefuls: Hope for the Autism Parent.” Heidi’s passion is to bring both navigational tools and moral support to parents and care givers of children with autism. She aims to soon have published her first devotional book written specifically for “au-some” parents.

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