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Grandparent's Guide to Shopping for a Grandchild who has Autism

 As a grandparent it can be a struggle to find presents for a granddaughter or grandson who has autism. Sometimes traditional gifts can backfire for the child with autism.

Stages Learning has spent the last 36 years developing fun and engaging activities for children with autism that also help them learn. Founded by a UCLA trained ABA Therapist, Stages Learning products reflect the ongoing research on what activities and experiences will be most enjoyable for this special population. Children with autism are highly visual learners and the following gifts can help them play and learn at the same time. This list of five best-selling items is guaranteed to get an excited response from your grandchild.

  1. small-present-with-silver-bowActive Kids Puzzle
  2. Animal Memory Game
  3. Animal Memory Set
  4. Fun Foods Bingo Game
  5. Healthy Habits Puzzle

Gift cards are also available so that parents can help choose the presents their child receives. 

Call or email us if you would like to discuss the best present for your grandchild relative to their age and skill level.


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